About Our Team
As a team of dedicated professionals, we’re able to transform your house from messy to pristine. Life’s too short to be battling with bottles of cleaner and paper towels. That’s why with our weekly and bi-weekly services, we can take care of the mop buckets, vacuuming, dirty counters, and more — all the while you worry about the more important aspects of life.
House Cleaner
Loves working with PCS, and spends her time during off hours with her family. If she could have lunch with anyone, she would like to sit down and enjoy a meal with the President of Mexico. Maryville prefers chocolate over vanilla.

Maid Cleaner
Loves everything about working for PCS. When not working, Rosario loves to cook for her family. If she could have lunch with anyone from the past, it would be with Queen Isabel of Spain. Between chocolate or vanilla, she prefers Dark Chocolate. Her goal in life is someday open a restaurant and share her love of cooking.
Home Cleaner
We’re so thankful to have Nicole! Get to know a little about our wonderful staff: Nicole loves working for PCS and her co-workers. When not a work Nicole loves being at home with her family. Between chocolate and vanilla, she prefers chocolate. Nicole’s big goal in life is to make a lot of money $$$!

House Cleaner
My favorite part of working here is the group of ladies that I work with and our work never gets dull because we work at different houses each day. My favorite thing to do when not working is snuggling up (with coffee in hand) with my 2 children, 2 dogs and 2 cats! ❤🥰 If I could have lunch with anyone…..it would have to be my great grandmother Annie Severson. She came to America in 1905, her and my g-grandfather built a homestead/dairy farm on 360 acres in a small rural town in northern Minnesota. Annie became the first teacher in the area. As she aged, she lost her eyesight but I was told she was still an amazing artist even after. My grandfather was an amazing, smart, humble and kind man; I’m sure he took after his mother. Prefers chocolate over vanilla. My “bhag” would have to be owning my own restore/upcycle furniture shop! I love antiques! I don’t actually have a favorite core value. However, I have 2 that go together well that I really like. What could be better than “making money” to “have fun”?! Since I starting at PCS, I have made new friendships/relationships. One in particular as I have “adopted” Montana as my daughter/friend! We have a lot of fun together, laugh until our tummies and cheeks hurt and we know just how to lift each others spirits when needed! I don’t believe us meeting was by chance but rather a calculated blessing from God!!!❤
Ready To Enjoy a Clean Home?
Let Us Do The Dirty Work!